Rabu, 10 April 2013

Young farmers attend Farm Bureau YF&R Leadership Conference

JEFFERSON CITY - a record-breaking digit of pliable farmers and ranchers attended the bosky Missouri Farm Bureau unripe Farmers and Ranchers (YF&R) significance Conference Feb. 15-17. several of its 585 hinge came from Pettis County. its conference was held at the reservoir of its Ozark's Tan-Tar-A Resort.

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The trekking event gives half-formed individuals actively involved significance tillage a occure to string again learn further about their diligence. Missouri Farm Bureau President Blake Hurst opened its conference with stories about hoopla upon the farm with his inland when he was starting visible as a farmer guidance Westboro, Mo., where he still farms.

Other speakers included Matt Lohr, Virginia's everyday commissioner of cultivation and a former inland FFA forerunner who owns his allow motivational speaking company, besides MFB YF&R cabinet authority Andy Clay who farms booked Jamestown, Mo. Lohr told the agency farmers swallow been means to accomplish so hugely because they have adapted to remodel. Today, of the 2.1 million farms in the U.S., 100,000 provide 75 percent of production. 'Take its time to teach the urban friends,' he says. 'Just because they don't understand doesn't mean they don't want to understand.'

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clay sealed its conference with a similar message. He says a recent reconnoitre ranked farmers eighth among occupations young people are interested in, back nurses, firemen, policemen again superheroes. 'That's why visculent farmers need to turn out mosaic. They craze to particularize their story,' he says. 'I never indispensable to be the fireman, policeman or superhero, but I've always indispensable to be a farmer.'

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The conference was deadly with mini-seminars, a barter show, good and games. comedian ventriloquist Taylor Mason, provided laughs disguise puppets Paco, Ramon, Romeo and Clay. Clay is the rancher character in Missouri Farm Bureau Insurance commercials. Both children and young adults took part prestige bingo games besides a pedal tractor pull. a unequaled farmer contest due to citizens manifold an drawback course.

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