Minggu, 21 April 2013

Girls Drive Better Insurance To Feature On Tiger.co.uk

Car insurance comparison habitat Tiger.co.uk has declared irrefutable is adding added telematics code to its situation by featuring its afresh stretch from Policywise, Girls encounter Better.

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Ipswich, Suffolk, Popular car insurance comparison site Tiger.co.uk will express featuring the new telematics formed car insurance product from this tour. apiece Girls Drive Better aim includes legal protection, uninsured darkness recovery up to (LYRA)100,000, besides handbag and goods cope - including mobile phone cover - over standard.

the policy also includes the key repatriation helping hand that provides bespoke key fobs, incident reporting in that lost keys and finders bonus collaboration. its customer again has the facility to upload their photo to the fob and protect personal details that can symbolize relayed, via the dedicated service, moment case of emergencies (ICE).

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its product has been launched following the burgeoning EU compromise upon gender which prevents insurance companies from running gender to calculate car insurance premiums. Historically women drivers have paid less for their insurance as they are statistically less likely to trust an accident, but the afresh ruling no longer allows through which to happen.

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Telematics car insurance policies could second female drivers consequence this interest because they allow due to real data on driving techniques and behaviours to stage used when calculating premiums.

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